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  • Peter McCormick

    By Peter McCormick

    This guy does it ALL | EW Podcast with Andy Jorgensen, CGCS

      Original Publish Date: 09/05/2024

    andy_jorgensen_th.jpgThere may not be a busier person in the golf industry than Andy Jorgensen, CGCS, the Director of Community Maintenance Operations at On Top Of The World Communities in Ocala, Florida.  Andy manages over 200 employees, including the golf staff that runs three golf courses and their construction projects, and a landscape staff that takes care of 3600 homes in the community. He is a master of juggling elephants!

    Andy talked to us about his career and shared the story of his start in golf. He explained what it takes to manage such a large operation, and how he builds a culture among his staff that encourages them to stay in the organization. Of course there was some agronomy talk, most memorably how he managed the Candler sands that make up most of his property. Over the years, after working composts and carbon based fertilizers into the soil, he has moved from over 10 pounds of nitrogen per 1000 sq ft per season to 2 lbs.

    Andy has now been on site for 20 years. Through all of this, he managed to raise two kids, serve as the President of the Florida Golf Course Superintendents Association, and stay active in many other extracurricular activities. We were exhausted just listening to all that he juggles!

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