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  • Peter McCormick

    By Peter McCormick

    EW Podcast: Rewarding Career Change for Gary Deters

      Original Publish Date: 04/06/2023

    gary_deters.jpgThis EW Podcast features Gary Deters, the Lawn Water Conservation Educator with the University of MN. Prior to taking on this new role, Gary managed the Turf Research Facility at the university and served as the Golf Course Superintendent at St Cloud CC in MN. 

    We reviewed some of the research that’s underway at the university, why he made the career change, and how he’s been able to draw on his experience as a Superintendent to help educate homeowners and landowners about how to use their water resource more efficiently. It’s an interesting conversation that may reveal some misunderstandings about how homeowners view their role in conservation.

    Gary has learned not to be afraid of change and wanted us to know that there’s a lot of opportunity for superintendents that may be thinking about using their knowledge and expertise to help their communities.

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