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  • Peter McCormick

    By Peter McCormick

    EW Podcast: Mr. Bear, The Giving Bus Driver

      Original Publish Date: 12/01/2022

    wilber_th.jpgWhat began as a need to help himself, turned into an opportunity to help others. In this Earthworks Podcast, Dave “Mr. Bear” Wilber shares his extraordinary story of true caring that came out of a very basic need of Dave’s for affordable health insurance.

    To obtain insurance, Dave took a "side hustle" job as a bus driver in the Littleton, CO school district. He soon began relating to and helping kids he saw on his bus every day. They soon began calling him "Mr. Bear".

    Justin Woodland (superintendent at The Barn Golf Club in Ogden, Utah, and owner of Airgronomics, LLC) recently set up a GoFundMe page — The Giving Bus Driver — to help Dave make an impact in his community.

    Kevin Hicks spoke with Justin and Dave about this mission. We hope you enjoy and it motivates you to donate to the cause.



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