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  • Peter McCormick

    By Peter McCormick

    EW Podcast: Kevin Hicks with Mike Huck - Water Rights and Water Efficiency

      Original Publish Date: 07/14/2021

    Mike Huck, owner of Irrigation and Turf Services joins Kevin Hicks to talk about his many career steps including his affiliation with an aftermarket sprinkler nozzle market, his time as an agronomist with the USGA, and finally hanging his own shingle as a consultant for water rights, irrigation auditing, and turf consulting. We discuss his early years as a course employee in Wisconsin, his venture west to Cal Poly Pomona, and some of the equipment that many of us “old timers” worked with early in our careers. Mike’s 40+ years in the golf business has impacted countless turf managers. His continued work on the state of water in the western United States will keep golf and turf at the table as tough decisions are made about who gets an ever-dwindling water supply. 

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