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  • Peter McCormick

    By Peter McCormick

    Reduce your fertility inputs by half | EW Podcast with Jedd Newsome, Springfield CC

      Original Publish Date: 10/12/2023

    newsome_th.jpgJedd Newsome has been following a Biological Soil Management program, on his golf course, for almost 15 years. He has cut his fertility inputs back by over half! In this conversation with Joel Simmons, Jedd shares how he heard about the concepts in a Soil First Academy, and how he didn’t believe that you could cut back as much as was suggested. But he has actually cut back more than the Academy promised.

    This was a great conversation that includes winter protection using tarps, labor issues on the golf course, and fertility management. Jedd also talks about how important it is to communicate issues on the golf course with his members and how he goes about that important task. Springfield Country Club is a private, very busy golf course, that is located in a valley that presents a very difficult climate when it comes to managing cool season grass. If anyone thinks that moving north to grow grass is easy you may want to take a listen!

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