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  • Peter McCormick

    By Peter McCormick

    EW Podcast: Kevin Hicks with Lew Sharp of Tee-2-Green

      Original Publish Date: 09/14/2023

    lew_sharp_th.jpgOn this week’s podcast, Kevin Hicks interviews Lew Sharp of Tee-2-Green, one of the premier producers of bentgrass seed in the golf course industry. Lew shares with us how he got into the turf industry at an early age, and how he has done everything related to golf course maintenance.

    His role as consulting agronomist has taken him around the world helping superintendents with grass selection and general grow-in challenges. We discussed trends in breeding, tips for successful grow ins, and practical things turf managers can do at their own facility to improve conditions and prepare for emergencies.

    We hope you enjoy this conversation with one of the leaders in the turf management industry.

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