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  • Peter McCormick

    By Peter McCormick

    A Deep Dive into Liquid Fertilizers and Plant Microbiomes | EW Podcast with Lawrence Mayhew

      Original Publish Date: 08/03/2023

    mayhew_chemist_th.jpgWelcome back for another of the Lawrence Mayhew tapes! On this episode we talk about the symbiotic relationships between the plant and the soil. Typically, we focus on the rhizosphere, the area around the roots, but here we expand the conversation to how a plant can take up nutrients through its leaves and crown.

    Lawrence has been instrumental in helping us make our Foliars+ liquid fertilizers EcoAdaptive. This is achieved by understanding the molecular ratios that plants uptake in a natural system. For many years Lawrence has studied theses chemistry ratios. He then built an extensive database of the naturally occurring nutrient ratios and has been able to incorporate these ratios into EarthWorks product development. When the ratios of elements are what Lawrence calls “balanced” the plant can absorb all its needed nutrients without any luxury consumption.

    We also talk about the commonly used raw materials found in the EarthWorks Foliars+ products and other carbon based liquid and granular products in today’s turf and ornamental market. This conversation is technical, but we worked hard at taking a very tough subject and making it both informative and entertaining!

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