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  • Peter McCormick

    By Peter McCormick

    Bicarbonates, Soil Chemistry and more | EW Podcast with Lawrence Mayhew

      Original Publish Date: 09/12/2024

    mayhew_th.jpgLawrence Mayhew, the EarthWorks Chemist, is a perennial favorite on the podcast. In this episode, we talk about the value of using strong acids to remove soil bicarbonates from the soil surface of a golf green or sports field.

    Bicarbonates are one of the “first limiting factors” when it comes to growing quality turf. They will restrict the flow of air and water by creating a seal on the soil surface, affecting the proliferation of soil microorganisms. When microbes are restricted in a soil it can become hydrophobic, leading to localized dry spots. A domino effect will then ensue that impacts the plant’s ability to take up nutrients and water. This situation is particularly problematic in western soils, where bicarbonates dominate the irrigation waters.

    One solution for removing unwanted bicarbonates is the use of strong acids and hydrogen peroxide. Lawrence explains the chemistry of these products in the soil, and discusses some of the limiting factors that their continued use may have on soil biology. As soil biologists we are concerned that these programs can cause a weakness in the biological profile over time, so we discuss solutions to overcome the potential drawbacks.

    The conversation also turns to the subject of weeds and the story they can tell us about soil chemistry and biology. It is always informative and entertaining when Lawrence joins us, and this is no exception.

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