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  • Peter McCormick

    By Peter McCormick

    EW Podcast with Pat Quinlan: “If we’re not talking about drainage, then..."

      Original Publish Date: 02/15/2024

    quinlan_th.jpg“If we’re not talking about drainage, then we’re not having the right conversation.” This has been the mantra for our guest, Pat Quinlan, as he’s developed the long range plan with the members at Fairmount Country Club. Fairmount borders the Great Swamp National Refuge in northern New Jersey, and as you can imagine, managing soil moisture is the key to success at this golf course.

    Pat is a great conversationalist. Beyond telling many great stories about his career and path to Fairmount, Pat discusses the many projects underway on the golf course. From internal drainage in greens and fairways to a new Capillary Concrete bunker rebuild, Pat’s focus is on the member experience. This includes not just the golf course, but bringing horticulture and indoor plants into the clubhouse.

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