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  • Peter McCormick

    By Peter McCormick

    EW Podcast with Sam Ferro: What we need to know about soil physical testing

      Original Publish Date: 02/09/2023

    ferro_th.jpgJoel Simmons chats with Sam Ferro, President of Turf & Soil Diagnostics, one of the leading physical testing laboratories in the country. We at Earthworks are very strong believers in the Three Legged Stool agronomic model which explains how soil chemistry, physics and biology must work together to build a well balanced soil profile. We know that chemistry can affect physics by helping air and water move through the soil. This movement creates a good environment for the soil biology, so when soil physics is a limiting factor, soil biology will not proliferate. This is why testing the physical environment of a sports turf site is so important.

    Sam walks us through what we need to know when it comes to physical soil testing. We talk about basic sand, silt and clay tests, water release curves and the importance of testing sand top dressings. It is very important to test the sand that will be used for constructing golf course greens or sand built sports fields and Sam gives us a lot of advice on the process. Physical testing is one of most important agronomic practices for any turf manager to understand. This conversation can help!

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