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  • Peter McCormick

    By Peter McCormick

    You have one shot to get it right | Building a successful sand based soil

      Original Publish Date: 05/16/2024

    When building a new golf course or spots field you have one shot at getting it right... and that is when you have open soil and can amend that soil to the fullest. In the 1990’s there was a trend toward building greens out of straight sand and superintendents came to us asking for help in building a better soil mix. We looked at this and asked ourselves the question — what does a soil have that a soilless medium doesn’t? That was the beginning of the EarthWorks construction program.

    Since 1988, EarthWorks has worked with thousands of golf course superintendents and sports turf managers to develop amendment packages for new construction projects. In fact, if you scroll through the archives of the EarthWorks Podcasts you will find dozens of interviews with turf managers who have had great success with the EarthWorks amendment program.

    In this podcast Kevin Hicks leads the conversation and we talk about the successes of amending a sand based soil to build the best possible environment for strong turf growth and we tell a few stories from a few of our podcast guests. Lots of good stories, lots of good information and maybe even a laugh or two!

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