During a stop at Lahinch prior to the Irish Open, Jon Kiger chats with Pat Geaney of Geaney & O'Neill, Ltd, distributors of Tru-Turf and other turf maintenance machinery. Geaney relates his background transitioning from a heavy diesel mechanic in the late 1960s to servicing and ultimately selling professional turf equipment and retail consumer mowers. He emphasizes that service is still a hallmark of his business, from both customer relations and profitability standpoints. The diversification of his business has enabled him to weather the vagaries of the Irish economy amidst various downturns.
Pat also discusses the success Irish superintendents have enjoyed from incorporating turf rollers into their management schemes, and wraps it up with a synopsis of the state of the golf economy in Ireland.
Presented by IVI Sandtrapper, AlgaeGreen and Tru-Turf.