'> TZP 2020: Dave Wilber with Peter Kessler
'> Mover and Shaper: Rob Collins of King Collins GC Design
'> Frankly Speaking with Dr. Peter Dernoeden: "From one hard-ass to another..."
'> Frankly Speaking with Dan Dinelli: Lessons Learned From New Bent-on-Sand Greens
'> The Ladder: Carlton Henry, Inverness Club, Toledo, Ohio
'> Living Legends: Jim Husting, Woodbridge G&CC (retired)
'> Rockbottum Radio: Tracking The Cowardly BullTwit-Slinging 'Truthers
'> The Ladder: Ryan Kaczor, Inverness Club, Toledo, Ohio
'> Renovation Report w/Jeff Johnson: The Regrassing of Minikahda
'> Frankly Speaking with Dr. Jim Brosnan: Latest issues and trends in weed control
'> Frankly Speaking with Dr. Karl Guillard: Late season nitrogen fertilization