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  • Peter McCormick

    By Peter McCormick

    Renovation Report: An Assistant Super's Perspective with Andy O'Haver

      Original Publish Date: 08/18/2016

    Andy O'Haver is the assistant superintendent at Meadowbrook CC outside of Detroit. Meadowbrook is being transformed by architect Andy Staples. It's a gigantic job. 

    Andy took the time to talk to Dave Wilber (from his cell phone, in the field) about the role that he plays as an Assistant Super at Meadowbrook. Andy's eye opening experience comes to life in a really good way. And anyone who is going to come anywhere near a golf course renovation project should understand that the team is important. And often the team is led in the trenches by the Sergeant. The leader of the Enlisted Corps. The Assistant.

    Dave and Andy have a great conversation. He's candid. And he's got passion. A combination that is hard to beat.


    Edited by Peter McCormick

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