In this episode of Rockbottum Radio, broadcast live from the Rockbottum proshop, Randy explains Momma's newest attempt at Growing the Game: 'Bottum Golf... and Archery Golf, alongside Soccer Golf and Disc Golf. The biggest benefit of 'Bottum Golf? Listen and find out.
In other matters, Randy ponders whether Snow Molds really exist, or whether it's just more fear-mongering by the scientists from Up North.
Randy also suggests an improved calibration for the Deathmeter: the WSRF Index. "'Cause ball roll don't have nothin' to do with speed, measuring the Won't Stop Rolling Factor makes a lot more sense."
Lastly, in the popular Storytime segment, Randy explains what was really in Mountain Harvey's lunch bag.
Presented by VinylGuard Golf.
(This podcast has been archived. Please contact us if you'd like to listen to it and we'll restore it.)