In this episode of Rockbottum Radio, live from Rockbottum Country Club, an emergency occurs when Sheriff Sanders is spotted playing the back nine, naked. Wait, everyone on the back nine is throwing their clothes off and rolling on the ground or jumping in the pool! Must be those mushroom cheeseburgers at the turn. But Momma has gone to the store to get more.
Willy talks with Brutus, Ludell’s dog who specializes in goose control, about maybe taking care of the chickens too.
Augusta TV conditions at Rockbottum? Not on a "dirt greens and crabgrass fairways" budget, Momma advises.
And in Storytime, "A Dark Family Secret Revealed". Randy revisits Mystery Valley Golf Course in Redan, GA, where Dad worked as superintendent but the golf pro thought he was in charge...
Presented by VinylGuard Golf.
(This podcast has been archived. Please contact us if you'd like to listen to it and we'll restore it.)