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  • Peter McCormick

    By Peter McCormick

    Frankly Speaking with Angelica Carmen: Fairway Farms at Cog Hill G&CC

      Original Publish Date: 07/24/2020

    carmen.jpgIn this episode of Frankly Speaking, Dr. Frank Rossi speaks with Angelica Carmen, Sustainability Specialist at Cog Hill Golf and Country Club in Lemont, IL. Angelica works with golf course supt. Chris Flick and directs Fairway Farms, a farm to table experience at one of the world’s great public golf courses! Frank and Angelica discuss establishing a small urban farm among 4 four golf courses and using the land to promote environmental stewardship and food production. There are plenty of tips for you to see how a farm to table experience might be just the thing in a Post-COVID world!

    Presented by DryJect, Civitas/Intelligro and Plant Food Company.

    (This podcast has been archived. Please contact us if you'd like to listen to it and we'll restore it.)

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