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  • Peter McCormick

    By Peter McCormick

    Frankly Speaking with Chava McKeel, GCSAA Dir of Govt Relations: WOTUS

      Original Publish Date: 09/09/2015

    mckeel_600x450.jpgIn this episode we are Speaking Frankly with Chava McKeel, Director of Government Relations for the GCSAA about the latest implications of the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) issue and how it might and now might not affect the golf course industry. In addition to the the WOTUS discussion expect a lively interaction over the implementation of BMP's for water quality protection and how the BMP's and WOTUS might intersect.

    McKeel has been with GCSAA since 1997. She is also a registered federal lobbyist.

    Frankly Speaking is presented by DryJect/Maximus by DryJect and by Turfline/True-Surface.

    (This podcast has been archived. Please contact us if you'd like to listen to it and we'll restore it.)


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