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  • Peter McCormick

    By Peter McCormick

    Clark Throssell: Arc of a Career

      Original Publish Date: 08/23/2019

    throssell_600x450.jpgFrank Rossi chats with Dr. Clark Throssell about his circuitous career from his Montana roots through Penn State to Kansas State, GCSAA, Purdue and Lebanon Turf to hanging out his own shingle with Turfgrass R & D, Inc., in Billings, Montana.

    Along the way, Throssell served as director of research for GCSAA; research committees of the USGA, O. J Noer Foundation and Crop Science Society of America, and technical resource for the Peaks and Prairies GCSA.

    Along the way, Frank and Clark chat about data collection and management, water use and other challenges facing superintendents today.

    Presented by DryJect and Civitas/Intelligro.

    (This podcast has been archived. Please contact us if you'd like to listen to it and we'll restore it.)


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