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  • Peter McCormick

    By Peter McCormick

    Frankly Speaking with Mike Huck: Will golf have enough water?

      Original Publish Date: 06/30/2022

    mike_huck_th.jpgIn this episode of Frankly Speaking, our “water guy” Mike Huck, president of Irrigation and Turfgrass Services (Dana Point, CA), chats with Frank about the past, present and future of water. The conversation ranges from “all water is local” and the classic movie “Chinatown” to the obstacles and opportunities for conservation.

    Will there be a “free market”  for water and where will golf fall out in the allocations?

    To be sure this is not simply a conversation for golf west of the Mississippi River, but as drought impacts many areas of the country, these conversations will be relevant.

    (This podcast has been archived. Please contact us if you'd like to listen to it and we'll restore it.)

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