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  • Peter McCormick

    By Peter McCormick

    The Turfgrass Zealot Project Episode 6 with Matt Crowther, CGCS

      Original Publish Date: 10/07/2015

    crowther_600x450.jpgJoin Dave Wilber as he interviews Martha's Vineyard's own Matt Crowther. Matt is an "Island Super" with tons of flair.

    Imagine everything that you do and everything that you have depending on a 45 min ferry ride. That's the world of Matt Crowther, Golf Course Superintendent at Mink Meadows Golf Club on the famed island of Martha's Vineyard. Get to know one of the most passionate turfgrass managers anywhere. Hear his struggles and his successes. Matt is definitely an open book.

    Long time TurfNet member and a frequent contributor, Matt's position of isolation makes him have to reach out via digital media. 

    Matt and I spin some tales and figure out the true meaning of life as they know it, in a very easy and candid conversation.

    I also take a few minutes to talk about the Three Kinds of Cool! 

    The Turfgrass Zealot Project is brought to you by Klingstone. Proven bunker performance for over 15 years.


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