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  • Peter McCormick

    By Peter McCormick

    The Turfgrass Zealot Project Episode #17: GIS 2016 Coverage

      Original Publish Date: 02/25/2016

    GIS2016_880x440.jpgJoin Dave Wilber as he talks about his impressions of GIS 2016 and his experience in San Diego. Peter McCormick also stops in.

    If you were there or not, there's always more info to be had concerning the Golf Industry's most important event. Dave takes you on a journey with his mind's eye and he recaps what was good and what was not so good. No punches pulled.

    And a special guest! TurfNet's Founder and Maestro, Peter McCormick drops by for a quick chat that turns into some real deep stuff about his perspective on the show. As always, Peter is interesting and candid.

    The Turfgrass Zealot Project is brought to you by Klingstone. visit www.klingstone.com for more info. 

    And for more info on Dave WIlber, visit www.turfgrasszealot.com


    Edited by Peter McCormick

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