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  • Peter McCormick

    By Peter McCormick

    The Turfgrass Zealot Project Episode 5 with Ross Kurcab

      Original Publish Date: 09/30/2015

    705817_nH1TLq65.jpg30 years with the Denver Broncos! Ross Kurcab is one of Dave Wilber's Turfgrass Heros!!

    Join Dave Wilber on this epoisode of The Turfgrass Zealot Project with guest Ross Kurcab. Professional NFL Groundsman turned Sportsfield Consultant, Ross spent 30 years with the Denver Broncos. And he has some stories to tell. Dave and Ross talk about Natural Turf vs. Synthetic Turf and how and when it can go wrong.

    Plus Dave shares a few words about value and perhaps what our real goal should be in adding value to ourselves by adding value to the lives of others.

    The Turfgrass Zealot Project is sponsored by Klingstone. Proven Bunker performance for 15 years.


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