Has management of out-of-play areas put undue strain on you, your staff and your budget? Are you spending an inordinate amount of time and resources tending these areas? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then join us for Converting Out-of-Play Areas to Native Plantings. In this Webinar, Paul Chojnacky, superintendent at Pasatiempo Golf Club in Santa Cruz, Calif., will discuss how he selected native plantings when converting out-of-play zones to naturalized areas during a recent restoration of this 1929 Alister MacKenzie design. Chojnacky will discuss the reasons behind the need to restore the course to a look more consistent with the original MacKenzie design, how and why specific areas were targeted, how specific plantings were chosen and how the project affected playability and customer satisfaction.
Posted By
Peter McCormick

By Peter McCormick •
Converting Out-of-Play Regions to Naturalized Areas
Paul Chojnacky, Pasatiempo Golf Club
Length: 1:29:09